Mac's Shack, Wellfleet, MA
More Ryder's Cove
Edges of tropical storm at sunset. (No filters.)
Ryder's Cove at sunset.
Mike and Pete walk into a bar ...
Not the same state
This goes a long way to explain why it’s so much harder to live in Texas than it was 25 years ago: Why Is a Midland Billionaire Spending So Heavily to Support Ken Paxton?
My true love and our first-born (at Bemelmans Bar in the Carlyle, NYC – also precious in its own way!) 📷
one year
My mom died a year ago today, three months short of her 99th birthday. She was a time-traveler. Her death is still difficult to get my head around. She was a vibrant, fun, and intelligent woman, and I miss her a lot, even though she was in my life for a long time. Mom and Dad in their prime:
fun fact"Texas natives are more likely to stick around their home state than people born in any other place in the U.S., according to a new analysis of Census data. ... Approximately 82% of people born in Texas still lived there in 2021 ..." [Texas Tribune, 30 Aug 2023.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/29/texas-native-born-stay/) No surprise there. Anecdotally, in 1976, seven of my high school classmates and I drove together to enroll at the same college in California. Seven out of eight of us returned to live in Texas after college or graduate school.
maybeIs this how judgment day will be? "... something that would have been terror, but for the joy, and joy, but for the terror..." -- C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength
so far, so fun
TwoThree games isn't much to go on. But, at least for those games, Spurs look like a much improved team -- emphasis on team. This isn't just Sonny and Harry Kane. It's Sonny, Bissouma, Maddison, Udogie, Sarr, Romero, Lo Celso (based on pre-season), Perisic. So far, so fun! COYS!⚽
Lower Greenville, Saturday morning
Lora Webb Nichols, Photographer"Wilbur Scafe's Pack Trip: Ruth, 1932" by Lora Webb Nichols. From an extraordinary collection of photographs by Nichols, a photographer, businesswoman, and homemaker whose 24,000 photos open an intimate window into life on the Wyoming frontier in the early 20th century. [More -- many more -- here.](http://www.lorawebbnichols.org/)
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