• Fifth Sunday in Lent
  • A mediating device for difference
    Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez:

    ... Some students might feel that some points should not be up for argument and therefore that they should not bear the responsibility of arguing them (or even hearing arguments about them), but however appealing that position might be in some other context, it is incompatible with the training that must be delivered in a law school. Law students are entering a profession in which their job is to make arguments on behalf of clients whose very lives may depend on their professional skill. Just as doctors in training must learn to face suffering and death and respond in their professional role, lawyers in training must learn to confront injustice or views they don’t agree with and respond as attorneys.

    Law is a mediating device for difference. It therefore reflects all the heat of controversy, all the pain and suffering, and all the deeply felt moral urgency of our differences in position, power, and cherished principles. Knowing all of this, I believe we cannot function as a law school from the premise that appears to have animated the disruption of Judge Duncan’s remarks -- that speakers, texts, or ideas believed by some to be harmful inflict a new impermissible harm justifying a heckler’s veto simply because they are present on this campus, raised in legally protected speech, and made an object of inquiry. Naming perceived harm, exploring it, and debating solutions with people who disagree about the nature and fact of the harm or the correct solutions are the very essence of legal work. Lively, candid, civil, and evidence-based discourse in disagreement is not just positive for our community, constituted as it is in difference, it is a professional duty. Observance of this duty matters most, not least, when we are convinced that others haven’t. [emphasis added.]

  • The Lake Isle | Ezra Pound
    O God, O Venus, O Mercury, patron of thieves,  
    Give me in due time, I beseech you, a little tobacco-shop,  
    With the little bright boxes  
               piled up neatly upon the shelves  
    And the loose fragrant cavendish  
               and the shag,  
    And the bright Virginia  
               loose under the bright glass cases,  
    And a pair of scales not too greasy,  
    And the whores dropping in for a word or two in passing,  
    For a flip word, and to tidy their hair a bit.  
    O God, O Venus, O Mercury, patron of thieves,
    Lend me a little tobacco-shop,
               or install me in any profession
    Save this damn’d profession of writing,
               where one needs one’s brains all the time.
  • Like thunder
  • www.orangejeep.org
    Here's my "other" page, which is all poems and images I like to share: [www.orangejeep.org](https://www.orangejeep.org/pg2).
  • manic
    Saw 2023 Best Picture winner, "Everything Everywhere All at Once," today. It had its moments, but not enough of them. We often think if something is complicated or difficult to pull off, it's praiseworthy. But difficult and complicated doesn't necessarily mean enjoyable, moving, or insightful.
  • Cait & Nay

    23 Sept 2023.

  • Dawn pickets
  • Blue. Ewok.
  • Sun Dog
  • Breuer

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